
                                         The IBFA Executive Board

Our IBFA Executive Board consists of senior business people in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, all with extensive international experience. The Board manages IBFA and organizes its events.

Mr. Vincent Knoops                       Retired KLM Senior Vice President                                                                                      Chairman

Mr. Phil van der Stam                   Founder WHYNOT Advise                                                                                                       Vice-Chairman

Mr. Wilbert Kannekens                 Sr. Advisor PARK Corporate Finance and Retired Managing Partner KPMG                 Treasurer

Mr. Mike Jansen                            Partner Corporate / M & A at JonesDay

Mr. Youri Goudswaard                  Head of Amsterdam Trade & Innovate at Gemeente Amsterdam

Mr. Rajiv Mehra                             Entrepreneur - Real Estate Investor

Special Advisor to the Board:
Mrs. Hilde van der Meer              Commissioner NFIA